Mau Mau makeover at Bozboz HQ

22 July 2016

Passing by the Bozboz office recently you may have noticed our newest creative installation. But it isn’t on the walls or on the web - it’s out on the street for the world to appreciate. We’re pretty proud of it.

Graffiti artist and art activist Mau Mau visited Brighton last month, on a mission to put the Bozboz stamp on the Bozboz office here in the heart of this eclectic city.

We've worked with Mau Mau for many years on various projects - graffiti, graphic design and good music run in the Bozboz bloodstream.

Well known for his anti-establishment big scale art, Mau Mau has a global following, collaborating with high profile activist movements such as Greenpeace and Glastonbury. We knew Mau Mau would make us stand out from the crowd.

The resulting artwork has transformed a grey and non-descript security shutter into an expression of our uniqueness and creativity. The piece features one of Mau Mau’s iconic fox characters atop the largest boombox this side of Kingston. Aptly named ‘Fox on a BoomBox’, Mau Mau chose this image to reflect our roots in music and creative culture. 

"Not only that, Mau Mau scaled the four storeys of scaffolding at the rear of the building to stack up some more street cred for Bozboz. Called ‘Divided We Fall’, the five foxes standing atop each other represent unity and balance."

Mau Mau’s art combines parody and political commentary, with influence from roots reggae music and radical culture like skating and surfing. Recently he has been using cartoon animals to express the way in which capitalism is expounded via politicians and the media.

One of his latest projects is The Mildlife Show, a series of animations with an Animal Farm influence. Mau dubs political speeches onto pigs, sheep and other animals, creating a powerful and humorous take on day to day rhetoric. The somewhat innocent vessel of a cartoon animal means he can get away with expressing stronger issues and connect with more people. 

In his post Bozboz makeover interview with Cone Magazine, Mau Mau recognises the juxtaposition of digital and the idea of Babylon, and although for him it’s an uneasy association Mau Mau has a huge following in the digital space, and social media has meant his art can reach millions.

In his own words ‘Art can make a change’ - the more people you reach, the bigger the power of the message.

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