Micro Influencers Increase Conversions. Here’s how

26 January 2018

Micro influencers are creators who have between 1,000 and 100,000 followers. Although they have a smaller reach, they generate more authentic conversions and engagement. In fact, micro influencers have 8% more engagement than those with larger audiences. So does this mean they add more value than macro influencers?

Micro VS Macro

Let’s call the influencers with huge followings macro influencers. With millions of followers, they are excellent for reach and brand awareness. But the relationships macro influencers have with their audience is often weaker. They lack one-on-one engagement, which can be crucial when a customer is thinking about making a purchase.

Here's an example. If a coffee company collaborates with a macro influencer that has a million followers, it’ll reach a lot of people. But what if 90% of that audience don’t like coffee? The brand awareness is great - but it wouldn’t necessarily drive any purchases. Or the coffee company could work with 10 micro influencers who obsess over coffee. Their audience will be hyper relevant, and more likely to click through and purchase.

These three statistics from The Startup add weight to the idea:

  • Micro influencers get 60% higher engagement
  • Micro influencers are 6.7x more cost-efficient per engagement.
  • Micro influencers drive 22.2% more weekly conversations in consumers than macro influencers. 

How do micro influencers achieve all this?

The crucial difference between macro and micro influencers is the relationship with their followers. With macro, it’s a one way relationship. With micro influencers, followers have a two way relationship with dialogue and interactions.

This dialogue means they have genuine interactions with their followers. This makes their community feel valued, while building authentic relationships with their audience. That two way relationship builds trust and loyalty, which is key for someone thinking about making a purchase. 

We all know trust is critical for purchasing decisions. But if a consumer doesn’t trust your brand, they will probably trust someone else’s opinion. According to a survey by Good Relations, 57% of people have made a purchase based solely on an online influencer recommendation, growing to 67% for millenials. If a loyal follower to a micro influencer sees them say a product is great, they’ll believe it. They might ask the influencer questions they have and because they'll get a response, they are more than likely buy it for themself. Simple.

So micro influencers are more trusted, get better engagement and are more cost-efficient. Plus, they’re niche - they are super knowledgeable in focused areas. It’s easy to focus completely on a huge reach and ignore the lack of results - but it’s time to leave that in the past. Micro influencers achieve successful results, and they’re going to be crucial for any marketing strategy in 2018. 

Want to know more about how to work with micro influencers? Contact Bozboz.

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