Twitter moments: Available for everyone

11 October 2016

Twitter have now made their ‘Moments’ feature available to everyone! Twitter Moments was originally designed to give users easy access to news.

By collecting a range of informative posts from different accounts to give an overview of important topics without having to follow loads of new people or follow trending topics closely.

Users are now able to create their own ‘Moments’ on almost any subject, providing an alternative and more dynamic way to tell stories.

Being one of the most unique features added to the site in the past year, it’s huge news that every Twitter user is able to create their own featured ‘Moment’. When released in October 2015 the product was only available to Twitter themselves and a few selected partners.

After opening Moments up to influencers and creators in August 2016, the feature will now be open to any user as of September 28th. Currently, Moments can only be created on Twitter’s desktop site, though it is anticipated that the feature will be coming to mobile soon.  

This feature can now be accessed from a separate tab on the Twitter homepage labelled ‘Moments’. Here you’ll be able to view other Moments, as well as add your own. When adding your own Moments you’ll be able to pick a title, add a cover photo and pick from your favourited tweets (as well as searching for others).

Twitter recommends making your ‘Moments’ roughly 10 tweets long, and including a mixture of text, picture, video and GIF posts. Once you’ve created your ‘Moment’ you can share it on your feed for your followers to see. For added exposure ‘Moments’ can also be seen in a tab on your homepage.

"How much ‘Moments’ will take off for the everyday user is something that is yet to be determined, but opening this feature up to all users is a great move from Twitter. It will certainly be interesting to see how the average user utilizes ‘Moments’."

Marketers in particular are thrilled with this new feature, as it will allow for a more creative way to engage with their followers. The Bozboz team have already taken advantage of this new feature for Find Get Give's #IAMWHOLE campaign during this year's World Mental Health Day. See our first Twitter Moment! #IAMWHOLE 

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